Welcome to the newly redeveloped Cook Islands Tourism Accreditation and Quality Assurance Programme. The programme builds on the strengths of the previous accreditation programme and is designed to be an inclusive, fair system that promotes acceptable minimum standards across all types of businesses in the tourism industry.
While a lot of work has gone into the development of this programme, nothing is perfect the first time, and this programme is designed to be flexible in the standards and to be able to grow and adapt to the needs of the Cook Islands Tourism Industry and our clients. The programme is voluntary, however membership is strongly advised as you are still required to be accredited in order to be represented by the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation.
Your membership in the Cook Islands Tourism Industry Council is now included in your annual Accreditation. We urge all industry members to support the Accreditation scheme by applying for Accreditation.
Thank you to the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation, the members of the Accreditation sub- committee and all other volunteers who have given their time to establish this programme.
Liana Scott
President - Cook Islands Tourism Industry Council